Ngarep > Produk > Peralatan Pilates > Pilates Reformer > Pilates Studio Beech Kayu Inti Bed
Pilates Studio Beech Kayu Inti Bed
  • Pilates Studio Beech Kayu Inti BedPilates Studio Beech Kayu Inti Bed
  • Pilates Studio Beech Kayu Inti BedPilates Studio Beech Kayu Inti Bed
  • Pilates Studio Beech Kayu Inti BedPilates Studio Beech Kayu Inti Bed
  • Pilates Studio Beech Kayu Inti BedPilates Studio Beech Kayu Inti Bed
  • Pilates Studio Beech Kayu Inti BedPilates Studio Beech Kayu Inti Bed
  • Pilates Studio Beech Kayu Inti BedPilates Studio Beech Kayu Inti Bed
  • Pilates Studio Beech Kayu Inti BedPilates Studio Beech Kayu Inti Bed

Pilates Studio Beech Kayu Inti Bed

The Pilates Studio Beech Wood Core Bed lan Pilates Reformer saka LongGlory minangka tambahan sing sampurna kanggo studio Pilates, gym, utawa ruang fitness pribadi. Pilates Studio Beech Wood Core Bed nyedhiyakake sampeyan kanthi permukaan sing kuat nanging nyaman kanggo nindakake rutinitas Pilates, dene Pilates Reformer ngidini sampeyan nindakake macem-macem latihan kanggo latihan awak lengkap. Kanthi opsi disesuaikan LongGlory, sampeyan bisa kanthi gampang milih fitur sing cocog karo kabutuhan individu. Apa sampeyan pamula utawa profesional, Pilates Studio Beech Wood Core Bed lan Pilates Reformer saka LongGlory minangka alat sing sampurna kanggo mbantu sampeyan entuk target fitness.

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Deskripsi Produk

Pilates ReformerPilates EquipmentBeechwood Reformer BedPilates Machinewood Pilates ReformerPilates Studio reformerPilates Reformer BedCore Pilates BedPilates Studio Beech Wood Core BedPilates Studio BedWooden Pilates Reformeryoga pilates


jeneng Pilates Studio Beech Wood Core Bed karo sikil amben aluminium alloy
Jinis Peralatan Yoga Komersial utawa Latihan Ngarep
Ukuran (L * W * H) 2285 * 780 * 600 mm
Packing Ukuran 2440 * 800 * 470 mm
warna Warna sing disesuaikan
NW/G.W 85kg / 120kg
OEM utawa ODM kasedhiya

Pilates Studio Beech Wood Core Bed lan Pilates Reformer saka LongGlory nawakake macem-macem fitur lan mupangat kanggo nambah latihan Pilates. Mangkene sawetara keuntungan lan fitur utama produk kasebut:

Bahan berkualitas tinggi: Digawe saka Kayu Beech premium, Pilates Studio Beech Wood Core Bed lan Pilates Reformer nyedhiyakake peralatan sing tahan lama.

Opsi sing bisa disesuaikan:LongGlory nawakake macem-macem opsi sing bisa disesuaikan, ngidini sampeyan milih fitur sing cocog karo kabutuhan individu, kayata level resistensi sing beda, posisi footbar, lan aksesoris liyane.

Latihan awak lengkap: Pilates Reformer dirancang kanggo nyedhiyakake latihan awak lengkap, ngarahake kelompok otot utama, dene Pilates Studio Beech Wood Core Bed nawakake permukaan sing stabil kanggo latihan inti lan peregangan.

Fleksibilitas lan kekuwatan sing luwih apik: Kanthi nggabungake Pilates Studio Beech Wood Core Bed lan Pilates Reformer menyang rutinitas latihan, sampeyan bisa nambah keluwesan, stamina, lan kekuatan sakabèhé, mbantu sampeyan nggayuh tujuan fitness.

Nyaman lan ndhukung: Loro-lorone Pilates Studio Beech Wood Core Bed lan Pilates Reformer dirancang kanggo menehi kenyamanan lan dhukungan, ngidini sampeyan nindakake latihan kanthi gampang lan nyuda resiko ciloko.

Komponen lan Aksesoris saka Pilates Studio Beech Wood Core Bed:

1. pigura-28mm kekandelan saka kayu ngalangi
2. spring-standar karo siji set Korea springs 5 ​​pcs (1 abang-28kg, 2 ijo-15kg, 2 kuning-8kg)
3.kulit-standar karo 1mm kekandelan saka kulit serat super
4.inner-standar karo karang hyperelastic
5.wheels-standar karo 8pcs wheel
6.Aluminium alloy amben sikil

Hot Tags: Pilates Studio Beech Wood Core Bed, China, Produsen, Pemasok, Pabrik, Kualitas, Disesuaikan

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