Ngarep > Produk > Peralatan Pilates > Pilates Reformer > Pilates Gyroscope Pilates Pulley Tower
Pilates Gyroscope Pilates Pulley Tower
  • Pilates Gyroscope Pilates Pulley TowerPilates Gyroscope Pilates Pulley Tower
  • Pilates Gyroscope Pilates Pulley TowerPilates Gyroscope Pilates Pulley Tower
  • Pilates Gyroscope Pilates Pulley TowerPilates Gyroscope Pilates Pulley Tower
  • Pilates Gyroscope Pilates Pulley TowerPilates Gyroscope Pilates Pulley Tower
  • Pilates Gyroscope Pilates Pulley TowerPilates Gyroscope Pilates Pulley Tower
  • Pilates Gyroscope Pilates Pulley TowerPilates Gyroscope Pilates Pulley Tower
  • Pilates Gyroscope Pilates Pulley TowerPilates Gyroscope Pilates Pulley Tower
  • Pilates Gyroscope Pilates Pulley TowerPilates Gyroscope Pilates Pulley Tower
  • Pilates Gyroscope Pilates Pulley TowerPilates Gyroscope Pilates Pulley Tower
  • Pilates Gyroscope Pilates Pulley TowerPilates Gyroscope Pilates Pulley Tower
  • Pilates Gyroscope Pilates Pulley TowerPilates Gyroscope Pilates Pulley Tower
  • Pilates Gyroscope Pilates Pulley TowerPilates Gyroscope Pilates Pulley Tower

Pilates Gyroscope Pilates Pulley Tower

Menara katrol pilates giroskop iki saka LongGlory minangka menara katrol gyro generasi pisanan. Peralatan Pilates iki kalebu menara Pilates lan kursi empuk Pilates. Iku gumantung ing sistem katrol kanggo ngleksanani macem-macem bagean awak. Menara katrol Pilates LongGlory regane lumayan lan cocog kanggo studio Pilates lan gym omah.

Kirim Pitakonan

Deskripsi Produk


Jeneng produk Pilates giroskop Pilates Pulley Tower
Bobot 65kg / 95kg
Ukuran produk 1700*1400*1850 mm/2020*750*490 mm
Packing Ukuran 1550*550*750mm/1720*630*680mm

Menara katrol Pilates saka LongGlory iki cocog banget kanggo pangguna sing duwe masalah tulang belakang serviks. Bisa mbenerake masalah spine serviks nganti tingkat tartamtu lan minangka pilihan pisanan kanggo buruh sing ora aktif.

Menara katrol Pilates iki digawe saka kayu maple putih kualitas dhuwur, sing krasa alus, nduweni tekstur seragam, gandum sing apik, lan kuat lan tahan lama.

Yen sampeyan nyeleh menara katrol Pilates ing gedung olahraga dhewe, iku bakal sampurna. Fitness lan mbentuk, fitness lan kaendahan, tetep olahraga saben dina, lan entuk kasampurnan saben dina.

Menara katrol Pilates LongGlory iki ndhukung kustomisasi. Sampeyan bisa ngganti materi dadi beech utawa oak, utawa nyithak pola favorit utawa ngganti werna.

Kanggo peralatan fitness, kita pengin kesempurnaan, hubungi kita kanggo njaluk iku, kita tansah kene!

Hot Tags: Pilates Gyroscope Pilates Pulley Tower, China, Produsen, Pemasok, Pabrik, Kualitas, Disesuaikan

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